AI Impact 2024: Practical Applications & Security Considerations
11:00 am
2:00 pm
Data Science & Analytics
Machine Learning
Explore real-world AI examples and security considerations
Join us for "AI Impact 2024", co-hosted by Mutually Human and VDA Labs. This event is designed to explore the cutting-edge applications of artificial intelligence and the crucial security considerations that accompany its deployment in modern business environments. Who should attend this event? Business leaders and managers interested in exploring AI applications within their organization or responsible for governance and security.
Event highlights:
- Experts from Mutually Human and VDA labs will share insights on the latest in AI innovation, practical use cases, and best practices for AI governance and security.
- Following the main session, you will have the opportunity to engage with industry experts for more in-depth discussions.
- Connect with peers and experts during dedicated networking time to develop connections and potential collaborations.
Key takeaways:
- Practical AI applications: Gain a comprehensive understanding of how AI can be applied to streamline processes, enhance decision-making, and improve the customer experience.
- Security considerations: Learn about the critical security challenges associated with AI deployment and discover best practices for establishing robust AI governance frameworks.
- Real-world case studies: Explore successful AI implementations across various industries and understand the tangible benefits and ROI achieved by these initiatives.
This event promises to be an invaluable event for business leaders looking to harness the power of AI while ensuring their operations remain secure and compliant. Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and prepare your organization for the AI-driven future!
Hosted By
Mutually Human
VDA Labs
Event Contact
Joel Ippel
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